We will be closed on the following dates for Christmas and New Years Day:
December 24th & 25th
December 31st and January 1st
We hope everyone has a safe and Merry Christmas and a blessed new year.

The Importance of Maintaining Mark Inventories
It is important that facilities maintain an ongoing inventory of IPPC and HT marks they have in their possession. These marks are highly regulated by the USDA and it is critical that every mark, a facility has in its possession, is accounted for each day. A lost, misplaced or stolen mark can end up in the hands of those who may misuse it and illegally apply the mark to WPM that is not IPPC conforming. It is for this reason, ALSC has become more focused on mark inventories and mark security. While marks are mainly stamps, there are also stencils, brands and inkjet marks that must be accounted for. TP verifies mark inventories on our reporting each month to ensure the consistency of a facility's inventory in all mark types on site. Marks that become damaged or worn out should never be thrown away, but held for TP Inspectors to retrieve so adjustments can be made to the inventory report. Missing or lost stamps should be reported to your inspector upon his/her arrival as well, so that it can be properly documented. Proper management of these highly regulated mark inventories helps to maintain the integrity of the U.S. IPPC program.