Our Mission Statement
As a responsible partner TP delivers to clients, employees and the industries we serve the confidence to drive value through the effective use of our diverse professional team.
As a responsible partner TP delivers to clients, employees and the industries we serve the confidence to drive value through the effective use of our diverse professional team.
Interesting Facts about the Actress Hedy Lamarr
Helpful Websites
When shipping WPM internationally, it is important to know what the import requirements are for the country receiving the material. There are several websites that can provide information related to a country's import requirements.
PExD – For foreign country requirements for packaging and other items.
Click the drop-down bar and select the country the product is shipping to. Then click the “General Requirements” section for more information.
Export Certification Specialist – Contact information to speak with an APHIS/USDA specialist on foreign country requirements for packaging and other items.
Trade Contacts | Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (usda.gov)
Click the drop-down bar and select the state the material is shipping from for related contact information.
While both sites are very useful, speaking with an export certification specialist will probably provide the most comprehensive information.
WPM Class Registration Open
May 6, 2025 at the Timber Products - Conyers, GA facility, 1641 Sigman Road, Conyers GA 30012
Registration Cost Per Person: $250 for TP Clients, $750 for non-clients
Lunch will be provided.
Click on the link below to register.
Training Services: Timber Products Inspection
Space is limited to 30 participants.
Inspectors visit mutiple locations each day and it is greatly appreciated when they receive assistance to complete their audits. This includes:
Some of this can be challenging since inspections are unannounced and can occur during a hectic period of the day. However the more cooperation inspectors receive in these areas during an audit, the quicker they can finish their work so a facility can get back to business as usual. Your cooperation in these areas is always appreciated.